The prints that make up the series Scrim are created by scanning the screens of mobile devices and outputting them as pigment prints. These devices have become a sort of modern-day amulet: one that we keep very close to our bodies, to gaze at & caress constantly. In our current device-centered culture, these are the things that many of us spend more time with than our family, friends, and colleagues. By scanning the screen with the device turned off, I consider it as an impenetrable object emptied out of content; yet one that reflects its physical usage in the form of fingerprints, makeup & skin oil, scratches & cracks. These marks are metaphors for how this technology has in turn affected us: emotionally, mentally, socially & culturally. The markings in the images are exaggerated as I let the scanner software auto-adjust the file. In this way the scanner highlights the details, and I facilitate a sort of portrait made by one device of the other.